Everybody's not talkin' at me so I added some stuff to the blog, like it or not. I now have an email address!!! You can reach me with your hate mail, subpoenas, rock geek banter, gag orders, links,lists, and filthy pictures NOW at circleof fits@gmail.com. Use it wisely or with reckless abandon. Disclaimer: I have the best virus protection known to man..and spam will be retaliated against in swift crushing blows. I know people. Let's be friends. If you haven't already added that address to your contacts or tend to forget things...just look at the top of the right column.
I also attached an add this button to all of the posts here past, present and future. Located at the bottom of this post and every other will be a little button that you can scroll over and share/add the post to the social networking site of your choice...Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, etc. But don't do it if you don't think its worthy, K? Help me help you.....
Last but not least, I am now accepting band cd/mp3 submissions for review. If you are in a band or know of one and have something that you would like me to hear and review...email me with a request/some band info and I'll tell you how to get it to me. Be wary of my venom, be prepared to take a hit, be all you can be. I can tell in 2 notes if your guitar is out of tune or if your singer is flatter than a 4th grader.
If you have any hint of hip hop or Guatemalan flute instrumentals in your musical repertoire, don't even think about it. Go back to your little garage and start over. You should be ashamed of yourselves. We rock here. Period.
Great ideas, all of them!