Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Who Spiked The Eggnog Before The Interview

Lou loves a good Company Xmas Party ..looks like the folks at Main Man dropped a few Mandrax under the Mistletoe, and before he leaned in to tongue kiss the Thin White Duke, he found 'em.

"Iggy, that was Bolivian Marching Powder on those doughnut holes shaped like snow men, not powdered sugar ! They're waiting for you on the interview set. Where's your shirt? Did you just cut yourself with the fruitcake knife? Does anybody have a paper towel?"

"David,  the bennies were right next to the holiday Jelly Bellies..hope you didn't mix them up. Mr. Cavett is here's your not the snorting kind...get out on the stage! Your hair looks, perfect."

Ahh...the Xmas party that never was......let's be careful out there everyone. No Kris Kringle keg stands, tinsel covered toots in the corporate bathroom stall, Jingle Bell Jager bombs with the decades younger secretaries, or Karaoke on crank this season.  Just say no to the eggnog. Its usually always spiked. 

I am merely poking fun, since these three fine gentlemen are good, clean and wealthy 30 years later...but now using canes, walkers or golf carts for their morning stroll around their summer estates.

Happy Holidays to Main Man's main men.......


  1. Those were too much! I have to say I liked Lou Reed the best - I loved all his answers, he was so serious and cool.

    Iggy - is just bizarre at all times if you ask me. Funny that the interview actually tried to get him to settle down.

    David....what the heck was he thinking? Sniff, sniff, sniff, wipe just in case there's any falling out on national tv. I mean I love the man but I was embarrassed for him in this interview and felt like handing him a Xanax or something.

  2. Dick Cavett was one of the sharpest tacks on TV at that time. He generously gave additonal exposure to some very interesting personalities in the rock world. His interview with Harrison is a personal favorite of mine.
